The Transfusion Medicine Service (TMS) provides medical direction and support for the University of New Mexico Hospital (UNMH), including the blood bank, tissue bank, and apheresis service. Of note, UNMH is the only level-one trauma center in New Mexico, and it also serves as the regional burn center, Children’s Hospital of New Mexico, has a kidney transplant program, and houses statewide hemophilia and thrombophilia programs. Transfusion Medicine service also supports the National Cancer Institute's designated UNM Cancer Research and Treatment Center. The UNM blood bank transfuses more blood components than any other hospital service in the state.
The Special Coagulation laboratory provides a range of coagulation testing ranging from commonplace to esoteric to evaluate thrombophilia, hemophilia, acquired coagulation defects, and platelet disorders for patients throughout New Mexico. UNMH's Tissue Bank maintains and provides essential tissue products for inpatient and outpatient surgeries. The TMS service has board-certified physicians trained in blood banking/transfusion medicine who are active in regional and national transfusion medicine arenas, with contributions to the scientific literature and textbooks in areas such as perioperative hemostasis, transfusion medicine practice, therapeutic apheresis, and tissue banking.
Les pathologistes certifiés par le conseil d'administration de ce service comprennent :
Joseph Griggs, DO
Formatrice clinicienne - Professeure agrégée
Medical Director - UNMH Blood Banking/Transfusion Service
Medical Director - UNMH Apheresis Service
Program Director - Blood Banking/Transfusion Medicine Fellowship
Associate Program Director - UNM Pathology Residency
Bureau: (505) 272-4560
Andrés Mindiola Romero, M.D.
Clinician Educator – Assistant Professor